Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Meaning Cleaning: Beach Edition

I played hookey and went to the beach yesterday with a friend.
We were surrounded by many groups of Long Island teenagers who apparently didn't have to go to school this week.

As the day went on, the groups began to leave the beach, and every group I saw left much of their trash behind.
It was staggering actually to see the pattern.

I performed an emergency MeaningCleaning: Beach Edition.

After one group around us left, I promptly began picking up after them. They left behind close to a dozen water bottles, beer cans, potato chip bags, and other garbage.

Another group left behind mostly gatorade bottles and water bottles.

It made me a little depressed to see what I perceived as middle to upper middle class youth be so unaware and careless of the environment around them. What it means to clean up after oneself seemed to have been lost on them.

The third group around us saw me picking up after the first two groups, and hopefully picked up all their trash when they left.
Let's hope so.

I found the above image online, and thought it was an interesting way to display the problems of littering.
But then again what better way to provide a solution that to be the change?
Meaning Cleaning

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